Hello, and welcome.

I am Ryan (he/him).

I love to guide people in movement and stillness.

My love for Yoga started over a decade ago, whist searching for ways to soften the control of my active mind. I was hooked immediately after my first class.

Over the past decade I’ve been diving deep into various practices, from Buddhist Meditations, Somatics, Animalistic and Primal Movements, and Yogic Philosophy, particularly Non-Dual Tantra. All of which have enriched my personal life, and influenced what I now share to others.

My fascination with the human form has led me to study human anatomy and discovering what healthy movement really means. Guiding Yogasana which is rooted in Feeling over Form, and understanding what these practices are doing to us on the physical level, as well as the Subtler aspects of our being. Combining ancient wisdom with modern science and research.

Recognising the individuality and uniqueness of each person, whist simultaneously recognising the One-ness and Non-separetness which connects us all at a deeper level.

My practices and classes are rooted in Community building, Connection, and cultivation of Compassion for ourselves and the Greater World. Yoga goes beyond the mat.

Feel free to sign up to my news letter for upcoming events, both online and IRL. Plus occasional meditations and musings on a variety of topics.

Intuitive. Instinctive. Inclusive.
Poetic. Primal.

a reverence for my teachers…

Over the years I’ve been lucky to train with some amazing teachers, who have transformed not just my Yoga practice, but my view and approach to life.

Firstly, gratitude to my personal teachers around the World.

To Pip Roberts (the Queen of Rest), for not only teaching me the power of rest, and how needed it is in this World, but for being a mentor of mine since the beginning of my teaching journey, offering endless guidance and support.
To Elena Byers, for showing me true, authentic yoga, and for your sharings of Non Dual Tantra, and how you weave this so beautifully into your classes along with Bhakti Yoga and Kirtan.
To Satu Tuomela, for your empowering space-holding, and guidance into the World of Somatics, have had such a transformational shift in my own practice and what I share.
To Acharya Vinay, for sharing your endless knowledge and wisdom, and for demonstrating what it is to truly LIVE yoga.

I am also grateful to the writings and talks of Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, who both weave together ancient Buddhist teachings with modern psychology in such a wholesome way.
To the writings and teachings of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, who continuously blows my mind with her approach and understandings of the body, in ways I’ve not heard from anybody else.
To all the work of Christopher Hareesh Wallis, for quite literally illuminating Tantra for me, in such a profound and understandable way. Your meditations are also some of the most powerful I’ve ever experienced.

Thank you also to all of my dear family and friends, who are some of my greatest teachers, in ways they often don’t even realise.

Gratitude and love to all x


  • 200 Hours Vinyasa and Yin - Bristol School of Yoga (Laura Gilmore and Kitty Billings)

  • 300 Hours Mixed Style Training - Vinyasa Yoga Shala, Rishikesh (Acharya Vinay)

  • 50 Hours Embodied Yin - Embodied Flow Tribe (Satu Tuomela)

  • Rested Being (Yoga Nidra Immersion) - Pip Roberts

  • Introduction to Trauma-Informed Yoga - Bristol Yoga Roots Project (Leonie Grace and Megan (Sphinx Yoga))

  • 30 Hours Yoga Anatomy - Doctor Yogi (Andrew McGonigle)

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